Schedule Of Exams
The International Logic Olympiad (ILO) consists of several phases, starting with preliminary online rounds and culminating in an in-person final round at Stanford University.
All course materials needed for the ILO can be found in the Curriculum↗.
Preliminary Rounds (Online)
Round 1: (March 8th)
Round 2: (March 29th)
Round 3: (April 26th)
Final Round (In-Person at Stanford University)
The final round will be three days long and occur during the first week of July 2025.
Taking Online Exams
The exam window opens at 05:00 PM PDT on the exam day and closes at 05:00 PM PDT on the following day.
You MUST begin your exam before 03:45 PM PDT on the closing day.
You will have 75 minutes to complete the exam.
All participants must submit their answers individually regardless of team status.
Failure to comply may result in a '0' for that round. If you are experiencing technical issues during exam period, you MUST PROVIDE screenshots and email it to us to aid in resolving the issue (Issues must be reported during exam hours).
Finalists will be chosen based on your team's relative performance across all three rounds compared to the entire participant pool. Keep in mind that there is no minimum cut-off score to "pass" each round.